Setting up Minio

I need to run some terraform experiments with my home infrastructure and need a better backend for the statefiles than the current directory. According to the official Terraform docs, S3 compatible backends are supported. A quick internet search leads me to the Minio project - it does a lot of things, but for purposes of this post, am going to talk about what I did to get a Minio service up and running on my Unraid server.

Differences between Pyenv and Pipx

I have been told that pipx is a very good tool to install and run Python applications in isolated environments. That description almost immediately reminds me of another tool - pyenv. Even though they address different needs, I find myself mixing them up. The purpose of this post is to describe what the tools try to accomplish and how they go about doing so. A pre-requisite to this discussion is an introduction to how the system $PATH environment variable is used.

Experiences deploying a dotNet web application

Someone I know had lamented on how difficult he found it to manage a dotNet application online; i.e. a webapp running on Microsoft’s dotNet Core technology. It got me pondering - is it really that hard to run dotNet on an Ubuntu box? At a fundamental level, we are still dealing with managing running processes/threads in an operating system. So I challenged myself to provision just such a system! This post mentions some of the memorable moments I had in accomplishing that challenge.

Showing asterisks in terminal

It is very useful to see *** symbols appearing I type passwords in the terminal window. Sadly, the feature is not enabled by default when using sudo in Ubuntu. Thankfully, it is simple to activate!

Installing docker and docker-machine on Ubuntu

I want to be able to quickly spin up game servers for small sessions and tear them down afterwards. Online investigation reveals that docker-machine paired with DigitalOcean as a provider might be just what is needed. That claim needs to be tested, but a pre-requisite is that the docker and docker-machine tools be available on the local system. This post will describe how to install them on an Ubuntu box.